Tuesday, July 20, 2010

'A peek into Men's Wardrobe' -

Fashion, clothing, and shopping have always been assumed to be a women's domain until recently. Men, generally do not have the lust for fashion as their female counterparts, but the recent trends in the fashion industry shows that men are also taking an active interest in grooming their personality. Increasing number of male shoppers indicates the boost in their personality consciousness, which is fueled by men's style magazines and the increasing focus of designers in catering to the preferences of male customers. Though men's fashion is not as diverse as women's, still the industry has an assortment of trends, appealing and sophisticated for men.

Trends for 2009:

Emerging trends for 2009 will showcase gradient tones in their perfect color schemes. The 2009 palette contains brighter shades of dark purple, indigo, and blue; replacing the greys, and browns. A perfect choice of shirt color paired with black pants will give both a classic and modern look. Fluid and silky fabrics, light and transparent; paying homage to femininity will be in fad. Lines and shapes take a significant change.

Deep V-Necks:

Fashion experts predict that this trend will rule the first quarter of 2009. Deep V-neck shirts have been a classic neckline for men, but current trend is taking it plunged to new depths. This will be the favorite fad of men for the year. Plunging necklines in men's cardigans, polos, t-shirts and sweaters will create a lot of variation in dressing. 'V' in the neck is going to be big, with a deep cut. This style will be more popular among youngsters who do weight-training.

Micro Patterns:

A revival of the fashion of the 70s, an attractive combination of micro patterns will be seen in formal dresses, especially in men's coats. Trousers will be tailored with micro pattern will be in vogue.

Pin-stripes and the wide-stripes:

This season is dedicated to the guys who prefer to wear pinstripes. A pair of pinstriped pants with a matching pinstriped shirt will create a taller image. Along with this, they will also come across a storm of wide striped outfits. Stripes will be available in both horizontal and vertical patterns to suit the short, medium and tall guys.

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