Friday, July 2, 2010

fashion forever

How to Belly Dance, this is nothing ‘butt’ natty as well as nasty. The moves, the hip shaking, the shimmie – whoa it is mesmerizing and enthralling! Talk about this thing and it reminds me of Shakira’s ‘Hips Don’t Lie’. Yes, I am sure by now that you have guessed what am I leading to! Have I enticed you enough?? You are bang on! It is the belly dance! Belly dance is basically a Middle Eastern dance and also has liaisons with Arabic culture too. It is a great exercise and when performed well, belly dancing is absolutely sensational. So now, let the curtain unveil for a low down on how to belly dance!

Basic Steps

This is fast up and down hip movement. These are the steps where in you can do shimmy.

  • Slightly raise your right knee and then let your right hip snap upward.
  • Then raise your left knee snapping your left hip forward.
  • You can either shimmy both hips one after the other or one hip over and over by lifting and dropping a single knee.For more in formation’s pl: follow the category Dance.

Marriage Advice for Newlyweds marriage actually begins once the wedding celebrations are over and the couple have enjoyed their honeymoon. Once you settle down to your normal life, you begin to have differences with your partner. You may discover some habits of your spouse that may irritate you. Though you will not believe me, this is actually normal. When couples are dating, they like to concentrate more on the positive areas of their partner and ignore those things which are negative. However, as dating is different from marriage, it is not possible to ignore everything when they are together. Nevertheless, one must understand that marriage is about compromises and adjustments, and there are few things that will never change in your partner, whatsoever you do. Also, even you may have some habits which may seem normal to you, but weird to your partner.

Remember the long nights on the phone when you shared everything that happened in the day, including what you did, what happened at office, etc., with your boyfriend. However, after marriage it often happens that couples do not even find the time to talk to each other. This can cause various problems in the relationship, sometimes even leading to frustration.For more information’s follow the category Marriage.

Men Show They’re Crazy About You intimacy isn’t easy for anyone, so if he’s baring his soul to you, it’s not because he likes hearing himself talk…alright, not just because he likes hearing himself talk.

Taking out the garbage and scrubbing the bathroom floor may not seem romantic, but it can be his way of showing you he cares: by helping you out and trying to make your life easier. He’s not ironing your work pants because he likes to; he’s doing it because he wants to make you happy.

Whether he wants your input on a blowout with his boss, or asks you to tag along and help him pick out a birthday present for his mom, he’s asking for your opinion because he respects you and cares what you think, a sure sign he’s smitten.For detail follow the category Romance.

Three Ways to Slow Down Aging first way to prevent aging is proper diet. Proper diet means getting the right kinds of food. The food you create an impact on your body especially when you get older.

The second way in anti-aging prevention is regular exercise. Nothing works better in attaining anti-aging than regular exercise. You do not have to be a fanatic of exercise or do it vigorously and exhaustively.

The third way that can help slow down anti-aging is taking resveratrol. This is a compound that is found in the skins for grapes, berries, mulberries, red wine, and a lot more. This can reduce wrinkles and can enhance skin complexion. You also have to take note on the resveratrol dosage that you need to take.For detail pl: follow the category Anti Aging.

Looking after your skin in your 20s 20s is a great time for your skin. You’ve left behind the spots of adolescence, but your skin retains a youthful glow and the epidermis is still plump and dewy.

That said, skin cell renewal plummets by up to 28 per cent. Dead skin cells are shed less well, leading to slightly duller-looking skin.

Action plan

  • It’s a good idea to get into the habit of using a cleanser and toner – especially if you wear make-up everyday.
  • Use a moisturiser with a high SPF (around 15) daily. Penetrative UVA rays will already start to take the bounce out of collagen fibres and elastin coils in the dermis. Dermatologists say up to 80 per cent of all aging may be due to sunlight.
  • Now is also a good time to give up the cigarettes. For more follow category Wrinkle Free.

Costume jewelry jewelry (also called fashion jewelry, junk jewelry, fake jewelry) is the first jewelry manufactured as ornamentation for the masses to complement a particular fashionable garment or “costume”. Costume jewelry came into being in the 1930s as a cheap, disposable accessory meant to be worn with a specific outfit. It was intended to be fashionable for a short period of time, out date itself, and then be repurchased to fit with a new outfit or new fashion style. Its main use is in fashion, as opposed to “real” (fine) jewelry which may be regarded primarily as collectibles, keepsakes, or investments. Costume jewelry is made of less valuable materials including base metals, glass, plastic, and synthetic stones; in place of more valuable materials such as precious metals and gems.For more follow category Fashion Jewelry.

How to Look Hot first and foremost requirement to look hot is to be of pleasing personality. You need to have social etiquette and an ability to befriend people. Keep up-to-date with current affairs and the latest news, these will work in your benefit as conversation starters. Talk to people when they address you, look into their eyes while talking to them and do not chime into a conversation unless asked or expected to. Do not starve yourself, be healthy and sleep enough!

Personal Hygiene is very very essential. A person should not feel awkward standing next to you. Lets face it, people like to be really close to people who are hot, right? So make sure that you shower daily and that your clothes are clean. Brush your teeth and use a good deodorant. Avoid having hair where they are not required (if you know what I mean). Yes, I know it will not be visible, but it will make a big difference in the way you carry yourself.For detail follow the category body fitness for women. to Care for Oily Skin

  1. Stick with the basics: The experts suggest cleansing your face two or three times daily with good old soap and water. Pack a pre moistened cleansing pad if you won’t be around a water basin throughout the day.
  2. Understand that dermatologists and aestheticism often disagree on which types of soaps or cleansers to use,but all agree that once you find a product that works well for your skin, you should continue using it.
  3. Follow the recommendations of dermatologists and shower or bathe in tepid rather than steaming-hot water. Hot water can strip your skin of needed moisture, while cold water can shock your skin.
  4. Avoid using cleansers that tend to overdry skin. This paradoxically causes your skin to produce even more oil than usual.
  5. Use only noncomedogenic moisturizers and sunscreen products’this means they’re oil-free and won’t clog pores.
  6. Talk to your dermatologist about a class of drugs called retinoids, which reduce production in oil glands and shrink their size.For detail follow category skincare.

Stomach Tattoo Designs

Stomach Tattoo Designs for Girls placement of the tattoo is of great importance. This holds greater importance for girls who have not yet had children but plan to do so. Tattoos can adjust to minor weight changes and wont look distorted. But pregnancy brings rapid weight changes and stretch marks which can affect the tattoo. Pain is another factor to be kept in mind before going in for stomach tattoo designs, as it is one of the most painful areas to get tattooed.

Girls can experiment with size, shapes and colors as well. Some of the common tattoos that girls get include tattoos of angels, butterflies, dolphins, flower tattoos or nautical star tattoos. You can also go in for the more daring tattoos like the Chinese tattoos such as dragons or other motifs. Learn more about the Chinese tattoos with their meanings. Many tribal tattoos are also filled with a variety of choices and include great designs to flaunt on the stomach.

Side Stomach Tattoo Designs
Side stomach tattoo designs can be very striking if the right design is chosen and placed correctly. The design can be placed more towards the hips or it can run diagonally near the belly button. Stomach tattoo designs like shooting stars suit this idea the best. The designs can be either on one or both sides of the stomach.For more Pl: follow the category Tattoo.

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